Stargazing is the belief that the position of the stars influences people's lives. Those who practice stargazing are called astrologers and God detest it. But, ignorantly many believers are practicing it. Do you believe in acts of luck, chance and fate? If yes then you are one of those Christians who practice stargazing.
On the other hand, strategising is the practice of devising workable and result-oriented approach to solving our problems.
All the whole people in the bible who made outstanding successes in their times were men and women with strategies. Because of time let me talk briefly about just one of them, David.
David was a man of strategy, when he volunteered to fight Goliath (1Sam. 17:32), he was not wishing that luck and chance could favour him, he had a strategy of winning the fight. King Saul and all the armies of Israel were stuck at one point, for 40days and 40nights because they don't know what to do. David eventually killed Goliath even without stress; that is what happens when you have a good strategy. Read 1Sam. 17:1-58
Now, how do you devise a result-oriented strategy? The simple answer is PLANNING
This is a new year, and ironically majority of us have started the journey of another 366 days without a clear definition or picture of where they are going.
They sleep, wake, eat, hang around the same types of people like them who helps them to spend the day and then retire back to bed. Please, I beg you, in year 2020, never allow a day to end without nothing to show for it. The Lord had told us that this is our year of RESULTS, it won't happen by just one sudden big event, NO!
Success is a series of small daily achievements repeatedly done, just as failure is small errors in judgment repeatedly done.
Still talking about David, before he died he wanted to build a temple for God but God said No. Interestingly, he had already designed a Plan of how the temple will be built. So, according to 1Chron.28:11, the bible said, "Then David gave Solomon the plans for the Temple and its surroundings, including the entry room, the storerooms, the upstairs rooms, the inner rooms, and the inner sanctuary—which was the place of atonement."
That plan was what actually motivated Solomon to build the temple. If you are not satisfied with the results you've been getting in your life, check your plans. Probably you've not been working with plans. Your plans will bring motivation, it will attract support and it will give you direction.
In conclusion, please, STOP wishing and start doing. The word of God said that there is profit in every labour, but not in every wish.
My Prayer: The God of all wisdom and understanding will give you the grace to put these words of admonitions into practice, in Jesus name.

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