One of the major shortcomings of the mainstream medicine is that, it only treats the symptoms of diseases without addressing the underlying causes. This is just like fighting the smoke and leaving out the fire.

Most patients suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, cancer, etc eat drugs as part of their diet yet, such medications does not do more than ameliorating the symptoms.

Common sense should tell you that any treatment that does not address the root cause of the problem is nothing but window dressing and wastage of money.

One thing you must note today is that, every health condition that people are battling with; be it stroke, high blood pressure/hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis, arthritis, etc, started from the cellular levels. Our body is comprised of trillions of cells. A group of cells makes up the tissue, a group of tissue forms the organs, the organs makes up the systems and a group of systems makes up the body.

What many of us do not know is that, at every seconds of the day, our cells are under constant attack from several harmful toxins and chemicals from our environment. Beside these toxic substances, there are also some dangerous naturally occurring substances in our body resulting from our cellular metabolic activities called free radicals.

According to Robert H. Keller, "The bad news is; we are oxygen based organisms. We live on oxygen, and oxygen creates a fire. That fire is called an oxidant. In order to put it out, you need a very good Antioxidant”

To be healthy and free from diseases, our body needs adequate amount of a powerful antioxidant to check the ravaging effects of free radicals and oxidants in our body. Although there are several enzymes within the body that scavenge free radicals, but without adequate amount of a compound called GLUTATHIONE, the body’s defense system cannot function effectively; the cells will ultimately suffer.

Glutathione is a protein made from three amino acids cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine and it is the most important element we need to be healthy and live longer. Glutathione is described as the mother of all antioxidants by medical scientists. It is one of the most important indicators of your overall health and longevity.

Low glutathione level results to increased Oxidative stress and intercellular inflammation. Oxidative stress and intercellular inflammation have been attributed as the root cause of all chronic health conditions.

Oxidative stress is the most aggressive destructive force that assaults the cell, it impacts almost all acute and chronic progressive disorders and on a cellular basis is intimately linked to aging, cardiovascular disease, cancer, immune function, metabolism and neurodegeneration.

Inflammation on the other hand is the mortal enemy to the tissues, organs and various systems of the body. All inflammation begins at a cellular level, and low glutathione levels are associated with inflammation. The American Time Magazine in their February 23, 2004 edition described Inflammation as “The Secret Killer.”

Every one of us is vulnerable to the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation because, as we grow past age 21, our body cannot continue to produce adequate amount of glutathione. It is this depletion in glutathione level that is behind every health challenges which we mistakenly believe is age related. Aging is not in any way synonymous with disease and sickness. Depletion of glutathione in the cells is the root cause of all known health challenges.  

Without addressing the problem of glutathione deficiency, patients who are suffering from chronic diseases might have to be on prescription drugs for their entire life. Don’t forget that drugs only treat the symptoms and nothing more.

Please note also that, increasing glutathione level is not for the sick only because prevention is the best solution to chronic diseases. This is where CELLGEVITY comes in.

CELLGEVITY is a new medical breakthrough product that fights oxidative stress and inflammation. It is the only product in the market today that contains Riboceine and 12 other powerful natural ingredients. CELLGEVITY is not a drug but a technology that can raise glutathione by 300% better than the next available alternatives. As glutathione levels are being raised, miracles could happen as the body will begin to heal itself naturally.

It is a product backed by 25years of extensive research and verified by over 22 independent studies published in leading medical science journals.

·        Developed by Elite Scientists Led by Herbert T. Nagasawa Ph.D.
·        Endorsed by Prestigious Medical Doctors such as  Douglas S. Harrington,  Don Colbert and Prof. Abraham A. Osinubi (LUTH, Idi-Araba)
·        International Spokespersons Chuck & Gena Norris
·        No Side Effects
·        Certified by the Banned Substance Control Group (BSCG), there is no banned substances or drugs in Cellgevity. Sports men/women may safely take our products.

To know more about CELLGEVITY, contact me on:

TELEPHONE:         2348052833097, 2348033291724.
WHATSAPP:           2348033291724



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