You could be very hard working, earning good money but still living with many financial challenges. The simple reason why such a thing happens is because; it takes more of financial intelligence than money to overcome financial problems. But, so many people do not know this hence, rather than seeking to acquire more money skills they are always seeking pay raise and opportunities that offer more money.

I have observed that the poor people seem to work harder, most times make more money but the problem is that, they lack financial intelligence. They spend the greater part of their income acquiring liabilities instead of buying assets. They spend their entire life working for money instead of making their money to work for them. Instead of building networks they are continuously in search of works that offer them higher pay. If you are living that way, it is certain that you might not be able to experience what is called financial freedom.

Achieving financial freedom goes beyond making money but it involves building wealth. And, if we see wealth as a building structure, there are 3 main pillars that will make it to stand. These 3 main pillars of wealth are: Leverage, Passive Income & Compound Interest. If you understand the 3 of them, your problem will no longer be that of “no money” but ‘too much money’.

Leverage is one of the main pillars of wealth. We all have it but not all of us use it. In fact, “If you are not using leverage, you are working too hard and earning too little” - T. Harv Eker. I have seen people who borrow other people’s expensive cars for their wedding; that is one example of leverage. Leverage simply means using other people's effort & resources to achieve your goal.

Many people are still struggling today and unable to achieve financial freedom because they are being held down by lack of money, no enough time, no connections, low skills and no education. All these are readily available to you if only you can find the right people and you can even get them free. I always like to talk about 2 types of leverage – Other people’s money (OPM) and other people’s time (OPT).

Most successful people only develop ideas and use other people’s money to transform the ideas into reality. Similarly, you can use other people’s time to achieve your dreams.   

The second pillar of wealth is called Passive Income which means income that comes to you continuously even long after you've stopped working. I love passive income because, it gives me assurance that even when I am old and retired, I can still go on holidays to my destinations of choice, continue to live my dream life without being stopped by money challenges. Your paid employment cannot guarantee you that.

Compound Interest is the third pillar of wealth and it means the ability of money to keep multiplying by a multiplier effect. Albert Einstein described Compound interest as the eighth wonder of the world and said that, He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.” Compound interest has the power of turning time into money.

Many people out there are actually working so hard but they are not enjoying the benefits of these 3 pillars. This is because, only very few businesses offers the advantages of these pillars. They include Real Estate, Private Business Ventures, Intellectual Property, Stocks & Shares and Network Businesses.

Investing in Real Estate, Private Business, Intellectual Property, Stocks and Shares are powerful vehicles that could take you to the position of being wealthy however, the challenge that many people have for these types of businesses is the capital requirement. That is why, out of all these types of businesses, network business is the most powerful and cheapest way of building wealth. Network business could offer you enough resources to diversity your investment into real estate, stock and shares, etc.

The problem I see here is that, there still exists so much misconception about network business. Many people today are not willing to try network business because they think it is all about canvassing for more people to join (downliners) of which they don’t have the time and patience to do so. Others simply do not trust network businesses and sees it as one of those get-rich quick schemes. Unfortunately, these are all misconceptions because, network business, just like real estate, or other investments is all about building your own business.

The only difference however is that, network business actually simplifies all the whole processes of building a business. Some network businesses offers you a business plan, business skill, business structure, business model, minimal start-up capital and takes care of the risk involved.

Personally, I have observed that one of the reasons why many people are not taking advantage of network businesses to build their dreams and achieve financial freedom is because they do not understand the opportunities available to them through network business.

Before I conclude this piece, let me quickly tell you about one network business opportunity that you cannot continue to be missing out.  I want to tell you about a company called Max International (

One of the key factors that you must always look out for in any network business is the product that the company offers. Before you say yes or no to the opportunity first ask: Who needs the product? What problem does the product solve? Do I have passion or interest on such product?

Max International’s breakthrough products actually work like miracle. If I say miracle, I mean miracle. The company has developed a medical breakthrough technology that helps our body cells to keep producing a molecule called Glutathione. Who needs glutathione? Every one of us needs it; once you are passed 21 years of age, you need to support your body to keep producing this all essential molecule. Our Glutathione level determines how healthy you are and how long that you can live.  

Just imagine you are a part owner of this all important product. To partner with Max International, there are 3 packages through which you can join: Personal Pack: N49,000, Professional Pack N170,000 and Premier Pack N325,000. The personal pack gives you 8 bottles of the company’s product called Cellgevity, the retail price is N7,000 which if you decide to resell will give you N56,000; a profit of N7,000.

Professional pack gives you 32 packs of the products, if you resell @ N7,000 gives you N224,000; a profit of N54,000. The premier pack gives you 69 bottles, reselling @ N7,000 gives you N483,000, a profit of N158,000. But, this retail profit is just one out of 8 ways that you could make money from Max International. Take note that Max International’s business opportunity is not really a buying and selling business. It is one  of the best opportunity that offers you leverage, passive income and in 90 days could turn your N49,000 into over N500,000 (depending on how hard working you are). If you are interested to know more about the Max Business opportunity, I can send a video presentation of how the business works. Contact me by Call/Sms/Whatsapp: 234 803 329 1724


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