Dr. Richard Myers, a renowned American geneticist and biochemist, the President and Science Director of HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, Alabama, United States of America said, “The gift of knowledge about your health is the best birthday present you could ever get.”

We live in the age of information but ironically millions of people are dieing everyday because of ignorance. Although academics and researchers in the field of medicine are aware of the value of information in healthcare management, yet, there is great concern that most people do not consider information as being important as other resources.

For most people, once they perceive a symptom of any ailment, the first thing is to go for self prescription. Today, there has been increasing abuse of medications such as analgesics, antibiotics, stimulants, etc because people are so used to the traditional methods of using medicine to treat diseases. Information is the best medicine you need to treat any disease.  

In 1982, TIME magazine altered its annual tradition of naming a "Man of the Year," choosing instead to name the personal computer its "Machine of the Year." In introducing the theme, TIME publisher John A. Meyers wrote, "Several human candidates might have represented 1982, but none symbolized the past year more richly, or will be viewed by history as more significant, than a machine: the computer." His magazine, he explained, has chronicled the change in public opinion with regard to computers.

The world today has witnessed astronomical growth in information thus giving us easy access to millions of empirical studies and facts that could assist us manage our health. Apart from personal computers, with your tablets and mobile phones, you have free access to information on any aspect of life including health and wellness.

The knowledge of your physiology and the metabolic processes in your body is not a rocket science neither is it an enclave for only those in the medical field. Our human body is comprised of systems, so, the knowledge of what comprised the system and how they function will help you immensely in living healthier and longer.

For instance, your body is comprised of trillions of cells, a group of cells forms the tissue, a group of tissue forms the organ, a group of organ makes up a system and the systems makes up the body. Now, each of these trillion cells in your body needs food, water, oxygen and a molecule called glutathione to function.

We cannot survive without oxygen. If we don’t drink clean water or eat good food also, we could become sick. Glutathione on the other hand is a molecule produced endogenously in our body by each of our trillion cells. Without glutathione, our cells will not be able to perform their metabolic functions and they will even die. The bad news however is that, once you are above age 21, your glutathione level starts to decline. And, it has been clinically proven that depletion of glutathione level in the cells is the root cause of every chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney or liver diseases, arthritis, infertility, poor sexual performance, etc.

As at today, there over 100,000 articles and research publications on glutathione available from or from (the USA government’s official library of medical research). Unfortunately, so many people do not know about glutathione. I also want you to read The truth is that, your overall health and wellbeing depends on the condition f your cellular health. If your cell have problem, it will affect the tissue, the organ and the system. This will eventually manifest as sickness. So, you should be able to know where every health problems or challenges are coming from.

But there is good news which many people are not aware of. Today, it is possible to increase your glutathione levels by up to 300% through a new medical breakthrough technology called RiboCeine.

RiboCeine is the product of over twenty-five years of research by the famous medicinal chemist, Dr. Herbert T from the University of Minnesota, USA. The American National Institutes of Health (NIH), The Veteran’s Administration Department of Medicine and other scientific institutions funded, peer-reviewed and published Dr Herb Nagasawa’s research work which demonstrated the unsurpassed effectiveness of RiboCeine for boosting glutathione.

This medical breakthrough is now available in Nigeria through a company called Max International. Their glutathione enhancement product called CELLGEVITY which is the only product in the market today that contains RiboCeine has been approved for sale in Nigeria by NAFDAC. The product is also Halal certified and BSCG certified as ‘drug free’ which means athletes and sports men/women can use them during competitions.

In conclusion, Thomas Alva Edison, the foremost American inventor, scientist and businessman once said, “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Information helps you to take control of your health and wellness.

To know more about CELLGEVITY, you can contact me through:
TELEPHONE:                         08052833097, 09097917225
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