There are certain vital facts that I want you to ponder on this
morning. Have you ever wondered why hospitals are established as business
enterprises and not as charity organizations?
Has your doctor ever told you about a pharmaceutical company or
shop where you could be receiving some incomes for buying your medications from
Has your doctor ever told you that depletion of a compound called
GLUTATHIONE in your body is the root cause of chronic diseases such as cancer,
diabetes, stroke, kidney/liver diseases, arthritis, eye problems, chronic
fatigue, poor sexual performance, etc?
Has your doctor ever told you that, instead of buying drugs that
treats the symptoms of these diseases that it’s better to fight the root cause?
Has your doctor ever told you that it is possible to turn your
medical bills into wealth?
It’s possible your doctor has never told you anything about all
these facts; and that is why I want you to take note of what I am sharing with
you here.
#1: Your body is comprised of trillions of cells, the cells makes
up the tissues, tissues makes up the organs, organs makes up the system and the
systems makes up the body. For instance, your immune system is the network of
cells and tissues throughout your body that work together to defend you from toxins
and infections.
#2: Daily, the cells in your body are under severe attack from pollution,
stress, infections, and toxins from the environment.
#3: God created a compound in your body called Glutathione to help
fight these invaders. Medical scientists usually describe Glutathione as the “Mother
of all Antioxidant” and “The Ultimate Cell Protector”.
#4: Glutathione is not a drug but a compound that is produced
naturally inside your body. But the bad news is that, once you age past 21
years, your body can no longer produce enough of it.
#5: As your body can no longer produce enough glutathione, your cells
will become vulnerable to toxic attacks. These attacks usually wreck great
havoc to your cells. As your cells are being damaged, they are unable to
perform their metabolic functions; then your tissues and organs will begin to
deteriorate, and eventually, for some people, the symptoms will manifest as
cancer, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, etc. This is just how diseases start.
#6: Taking medications to treat these symptoms cannot reverse the
situation; in fact, the drugs may even worsen your situation. For instance,
most drugs used for treating hypertension could adversely affect your sexual performance.
#7: It is possible to raise your Glutathione level and stop the
damage in your cells; as your cells bounces back, your health will bounce back.
#8: Over the past decades, medical scientists have not been able
to figure out how to help our body to continue producing adequate amount of
this miracle compound. Today, by God’s grace, after 25year of extensive
research, a new medical breakthrough for raising glutathione has been
#9: One company only has obtained the USA’s government patent
right to take this breakthrough to the world. Because this breakthrough is so
massive and also, considering the technology behind it, the company observed
that if it’s being sold like the ordinary pharmaceutical drugs, it will be too
expensive for people to afford it.
#10: The Company had therefore introduced a marketing model that
offers everybody the opportunity of becoming a partner owner of this
breakthrough technology.
#11: You can be part owner of this breakthrough and this will give
you the opportunity of converting your medical bills into wealth.
#12: Interested in knowing more? TEL: 2348033291724,
2348052833097, 2349097917225. WHATSAPP: 08033291724.
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