There is no doubt that the challenges of our daily activities do not allow us to actually plan our diets to reflect all the essential nutrients that our body requires on daily basis. Research findings shows that our plates are lacking in a number of essential nutrients, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and D. It’s no wonder that so many people are turning to dietary supplements to augment.

According to David Lariviere, a contributor in Forbes Magazine, the nutritional supplement or more broadly known as Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements, or VMS market is today one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Producing about $32 billion in revenue for just nutritional supplements alone in 2012, it is projected to double that by topping $60 billion in 2021 according to the Nutritional Business Journal.

The United States of America Food and Drug Administration (FDA) explained that dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, and other less familiar substances - such as herbals, botanicals, amino acids, and enzymes. Dietary supplements are also marketed in forms such as tablets, capsules, softgels, and gelcaps.

Apart from the fact that some supplements may help to assure that you get an adequate dietary intake of essential nutrients, so many people also take supplements to prevent deadly diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, weight management, etc. But, unlike drugs, supplements are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure diseases. That is why it is very important to get enough facts before taking a vitamin or mineral supplement. Just because a supplement is labeled "all-natural" doesn't mean it's safe - or effective.

According to the U.S.A FDA, many supplements contain active ingredients that have strong biological effects in the body. This could make them unsafe in some situations and hurt or complicate your health. For example, the following actions could lead to harmful - even life-threatening - consequences.
·         Using supplements with medications (whether prescription or over-the-counter)
·         Substituting supplements for prescription medicines
·         Taking too much of some supplements, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and iron
·         Some supplements can also have unwanted effects before, during, and after surgery.

Before you start taking any dietary supplement, try to find out the following facts about the product:
·         Information to support the claims of the product
·         Information on the safety and effectiveness of the ingredients in the product
·         Any reports of adverse effects or events from consumers using the product
·         You can also check with your doctor before taking any product, because some supplements can cause side effects, or interact with other prescribed or over-the-counter medicines or supplements you're already taking..

Don’t just be carried away by the adverts and the label or claims by the manufacturer or distributor because, most supplements don’t necessarily deliver on the promise of better health. While some can even be dangerous to your health, there are others also that can be classified as health fraud scams (to defraud unsuspecting consumers).  

Visit the FDA site below for a list of some Tainted Supplements:

From scientific point of view, I believe that antioxidant supplements are good for everybody. Also based on remarkably and consistent research results accumulated over decades that show how eating of vegetables and fruits helps reduce the risk for chronic illness such as heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. Our confidence in this concept is unshakable, even today.

One of the primary reasons why vegetables and fruits are believed to be great for our health is that, they contain important antioxidants. Our bodies need an adequate supply of antioxidants to limit the buildup of compounds called reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are normally produced as a byproduct of cellular energy production. ROS also accumulate when we are exposed to toxins such as tobacco smoke, industrial chemicals and radiation. When an excess amount of ROS exists, there is said to be a state of oxidative stress, a condition linked to the development of numerous health problems.

Although ROS have long been portrayed as the enemy of good health but we equally need them for the proper functioning of our immune systems, including the ability to rid ourselves of invading microbes and the rogue cells that, if left to divide and multiply, can turn into cancer. Thus, we need the proper balance of ROS and antioxidants to maintain the body’s defenses and innate healing systems. And it is possible that in our desire to optimize health through the ingestion of high-dose antioxidant supplements, we may be doing more harm than good.

That is why God has created in our body, a natural compound called GLUTATHIONE which performs several vital functions in our body. It helps to maintain a healthy balance of ROS and antioxidants to maintain the body’s defenses and innate healing systems. Scientist describes this miracle compound as THE MASTER ANTIOXIDANT” because other antioxidants in our body depend on glutathione to function.

I may not know whether your body needs those dietary supplements that you have been taking but I know that EVERYBODY who is above 21 years of age needs GLUTATHIONE SUPPLEMENT. The reason is that, deficiency of this most essential compound has been attributed to be the cause of most chronic illnesses.

Our bodies create glutathione to defend against violent attackers like free radicals, chemical toxins, heavy metals, and other influences that can negatively affect our overall health. Glutathione also works to regulate, recycle, and repair other antioxidants within your body. As we age, the levels of this important molecule are depleted by every-day trauma including physical and mental stress, poor diet, and lack of sleep.

As a major antioxidant in the body, glutathione helps to reduce oxidative stress and its consequences. Research studies have shown that supplementation with glutathione precursors may help to reduce oxidant induced cell damage in diabetics. Diabetics and persons with other chronic diseases should do their best to support their immune system, as it helps them in fighting against various complications due to an already compromised immune function.

As you can see, glutathione is highly beneficial to human health. The subject of over 98,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies, glutathione is a lasting fixture in the field of medicinal research. However, the challenge posed in its use as a supplement has always been to increase glutathione levels safely and effectively.

Glutathione production in the body relies on the presence of an amino acid called cysteine. Therefore, earlier methods of raising glutathione levels usually involved trying to take raw cysteine or even the glutathione itself orally. This simply did not work. The body's powerful digestive processes would destroy the substances before they even reached the cells. RiboCeine solves this central issue.

RiboCeine is the product of over twenty-five years of research by the famous medicinal chemist, Dr. Herbert T. Nagasawa. Dr. Nagasawa's medicinal bona fides are as thorough as they are impressive: He capably served as Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology at the University of Minnesota for forty years, and as Senior Career Research Scientist for the Veterans Administration in Minneapolis. For thirty-two years, Dr. Nagasawa was also Senior Editor of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Presently, he works as the Executive Scientist for Max International.

Dr. Nagasawa's RiboCeine compound has been the subject of over twenty scientific studies funded by the National Institute of Health and other groups. These studies all showed the same thing: RiboCeine in Cellgevity is effective in increasing glutathione levels and countering the harmful effects of oxidative stress.

Cellgevity fights the foundational causes of premature aging, providing the tools our bodies need to support glutathione production. It delivers the aforementioned, patented RiboCeine compound that effectively raises cysteine levels, thereby promoting glutathione production at levels that significantly outperform all other means of glutathione enhancement. THAT'S WHY CELLGEVITY IS THE BEST GLUTATHIONE SUPPLEMENT AVAILABLE TODAY.

Yet the benefits of Cellgevity do not end there. Cellgevity also includes a rich cocktail of other quality substances that enhance glutathione production and fortify the glutathione network, but also provide other ancillary benefits as well. Joints are healthier and less prone to swelling, while athletic performance is increased and the recovery time after it is reduced. The immune system is healthier, and energy levels are higher. Cellgevity is the leading Glutathione enhancing supplement thanks to RiboCeine from Max International. It may surprise you to learn that Cellgevity actually contains NO Glutathione at all. Instead it uses RiboCeine to help the body produce an abundant supply of glutathione on-demand when ever it is required.

Cellgevity's supporting ingredients include substances such as a source of curcumin that has been proven to have a 29% increased bioavailability over other sources. Also added is a source of sulforaphane glucosinolate (broccoli seed extract) that is among the best in the world, and was the same product used in the medical studies at Johns Hopkins. BioPerine has also been added to increase the bioavailability of important nutrients. All told, there are thirteen additional ingredients in the Cellgevity product that synergize with RiboCeine to promote human health.

Cellgevity – “A Game Changer”; it’s not just one of those supplements but the FOOD FOR YOUR BODY CELLS.

Why not try the Cellgevity 90days challenge and see the difference. To order your Cellgevity or know more about the product, contact:
TELEPHONE:                         08052833097, 09097917225
WHATSAPP:               08033291724

1.      DAVID LARIVIERE, “Nutritional Supplements Flexing Muscles As Growth Industry” -

2.      CHARLES MATTOCKS, “Glutathione: The Master Antioxidant”

3.      Dietary supplements: Do they help or hurt? -

4.      Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know -


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